Membership Eligibility
AOMC Membership Eligibility Requirements
(Myofunctional Therapy Educator)
- Applicant of this membership tier is a health care professional with an education of less than 18 months or a health professional who does not belong to a regulated health profession (IE: Lactation consultant, physiotherapist assistant, dental assistant etc.)
- Applicant of this membership tier is actively practicing in their field
- The applicant eligible for this membership is an individual who does not belong to a regulated health profession or is a regulated health care professional who has not taken an approved 28-hour Introductory course
- After completing an approved 28-hour Introductory course, this member is not able to apply for full the certification process granted to other members unless they belong to a regulated health profession
(This membership tier includes FOM, COM ™, CCMT)
Fellow in Orofacial Myology (FOM)
- Applicant of this membership tier must belong to a regulated health care profession, and have an education of more then two (2) years; and must have taken an approved 28-hour Introductory course
- Applicant of this membership tier must be in good standing with their regulatory body.
- Member has one (1) year to apply for the Canadian Certified Myofunctional Therapist (CCMT) certification examination after completing their 28 hour introductory course, if they wish.
- If the member wishes to apply for CCMT certification after one year has lapsed since taking their 28 hour course, the member is required to re-take 28-hour approved Introductory course
- This member is eligible to apply to become a Canadian Certified Myofunctional Therapist (CCMT) if they wish
Canadian certified Myofunctional therapist (CCMT)
- The member has successfully completed the written and clinical components of the AOMC or IAOM certification process
- This member has been recognized through IAOM or AOMC as a Certified Orofacial Myologist™ (COM™) or Canadian Certified Myofunctional Therapist (CCMT) respectively, with certificate and certificate number
- The member will submit their active professional license as well as Certified Orofacial Myologist™ (COM™) or Canadian Certified Myofunctional Therapist (CCMT) license upon membership application
- This member is active and in good standing with their regulatory college
- This member is no longer practicing within their regulated health-care profession, but wishes to remain an AOMC member
Questions? please do not hesitate to contact us
Why Join the AOMC?
The AOMC represents Canadian health care professionals who wish to advance, integrate and practice Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy within their allied health care fields and provides its members with education, information, and certification to advance the field of Orofacial Myology and promote integrative health practices throughout Canada.
Together, we can advance the field of Orofacial Myology through education and awareness within the general public, as well as through assessment, diagnosis and treatment of Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs) within our practices to help all individuals thrive.